Back and neck pain are conditions that many people suffer. Spinal stenosis is a condition commonly seen by chiropractors. What is spinal stenosis and how is it diagnosed? According to Mayo Clinic, spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spaces within your spine. This narrowing can put pressure on the nerves that travel through the spine. Usually, spinal stenosis occurs in the lower back and the neck.
…Relieve Neck Pain with Chiropractic Treatment
At one point or another, everyone suffers from neck pain. Our neck is comprised of bones, muscles, and ligaments whose purpose it is to support our head (which can weigh 11 pounds). When we have neck pain, depending on the severity, it can really impact our quality of life. Chiropractic adjustment and acupuncture are two ways to help treat this common condition.
…Chiropractic Care for Herniated Discs
The latest statistics suggest that about 65 million Americans have had a recent episode of back pain. It is estimated that almost 8 percent of adults, 16 million people, suffer from chronic back pain. There are a variety of reasons for back pain, and today we will focus on a condition labeled herniated disc.
…Chiropractic Services for Optimum Health
Even though you have heard it repeatedly recently, it IS a NEW year, and that means new year resolutions or choosing a ‘word’ to focus on for your health and well being. Regardless of having a resolution or a word, Dr. Ryan Han, DC., is here to to support you to become the healthiest version of you possible.
…Top 5 Benefits of Acupuncture and Chiropractic Care
If you asked 20 different people who have experienced Acupuncture and Chiropractic care, what would they say were the top benefits? Their answers would definitely contain similarities. Other responses would probably vary depending on the condition they were being treated for and individual care plans.
…Top 5 Benefits of Acupuncture and Chiropractic CareRead More