Americans have become more interested in the benefits of alternative medicine. Specifically, the use of herbal remedies. The earliest use of the herbal formulas date back to the end of the third century B.C. In East Asia, herbal remedies still remain an integral part of the national health care system.
Herbal remedies are often used along with acupuncture treatment. The two most common types of Oriental medicine treatment are herbal remedies and acupuncture. As acupuncture can be used to treat variety of different conditions, herbs can do the same. Receiving acupuncture and herbal treatments at the same time can have powerful and synergistic effects. Herbal treatments are specifically tailored for individual patient treatment. For example, when a patient has the common cold, Dr. Han prepares an herbal formula based on their specific symptoms and the individual’s constitution.
Dr. Han carries patented herbal pills and granules in his office. Herbal Pills are a very convenient and inexpensive option. It is a pre-prepared formula that cannot be modified. The patient will take 5–7 pills, 2–3 times a day. Since they are less potent than granules or raw herbs, Dr. Han recommends this method for symptomatic relief but not for complicated cases or constitutional healing.
Granules are the closest form to traditional raw decoction. Granules are extracted from bulk herbs using modern technology and maintain the same characteristics as raw decoction, upholding the same principles. Granules are very safe, efficient, time-saving, convenient, standardized, and quality-controlled products, as well as cost-effective.
Dr. Han carries over 150 different single concentrated granules. Each single herb has its own characteristics. They have their own taste [bitter, sweet, acrid, sour, salty], nature [hot, cold, neutral], specific meridians, [lung, heart, liver, kidney, etc.] and functions [heat-clearing, warming, moving Qi or blood, etc.]. After carefully examining the patient, Dr. Han prepares a formula using concentrated granules. The patient simply dissolves the recommended dosage into hot water and drinks the mixture two times a day. Granules are recommended due to higher potency, effectiveness, and specificity.