Back and neck pain are conditions that many people suffer. Spinal stenosis is a condition commonly seen by chiropractors. What is spinal stenosis and how is it diagnosed? According to Mayo Clinic, spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spaces within your spine. This narrowing can put pressure on the nerves that travel through the spine. Usually, spinal stenosis occurs in the lower back and the neck.
…Demystifying Chiropractic Treatments
You may be one of the many people who have heard about Chiropractic treatment, but have no idea what it really entails. This blog is specifically written to help demystify the general practice and treatment methods of Chiropractic medicine.
…Treatment and Causes of Hyperlordosis
Chiropractic care is ideal to treat Hyperlordosis due to the non-invasive nature of Chiropractic treatment methodology. Hyperlordosis is one of the many conditions treated by chiropractors. In order to understand what this condition entails—a brief medical explanation is required.