It’s said that having a sprained ankle can be more painful and take longer to heal than a broken ankle. Either one of them are painful to experience and the time it takes to heal either a sprain or a break depends on the severity in each circumstance. However, Dr. Ryan Han wants you to know that adding acupuncture to your treatment regime for a sprained ankle will considerably lessen both the pain and time to heal.
…Client Testimonial
Call me patient 1. I am writing as a guest blogger for Dr. Ryan Han, Chiropractor and Acupuncturist. Before I begin on the main subject of this blog—full disclosure—I have been a patient of Dr. Han for many years, as well as my children. I have witnessed first hand the power of chiropractic and acupuncture treatments in all of our lives. The main topic I would like to address is how acupuncture treatments have helped me over the years with anxiety and chronic pain.
…What is Cupping?
In the practice of Chiropractic and Acupuncture—there is a therapy that many of us have never heard about, even though it has been around as long as the ancient practice of acupuncture. This practice is called “Cupping.” Cupping also has a couple other names including: pneumatic therapy or manual vacuum therapy. This treatment can be used in conjunction with acupuncture or manual adjustment, as well as a stand-alone treatment.
…How Acupuncture Can Alleviate Chemotherapy Side Effects
Cancer is one of the most devastating diseases that afflicts human beings, affecting millions of people each year. Not only does the disease wreak havoc on the body, but many of its’ treatments are also harsh. One of these treatments is chemotherapy—the use of drugs to kill or shrink the cancerous cells.
…How Acupuncture Can Alleviate Chemotherapy Side EffectsRead More
Take the Pain out of Tension Headaches with Chiropractic Care
There are several different categories of headaches. These are sinus, cluster, migraine, and tension headaches. When it feels like a rubber band is tightening around your skull or you have a pain that travels over the head and rests behind the eyes, you are probably experiencing a tension headache—and those can be a real pain—no pun intended. Usually, these kinds of headaches are due to stressors in our lives—not a symptom of a serious condition.
…Take the Pain out of Tension Headaches with Chiropractic CareRead More