Winter is already upon us in the Chicagoland area. With the early turn of the season many people will experience fatigue and loss of energy due to the cold temperatures, time-change and stress. As a chiropractor—with two offices in the Northern suburbs—my recommendation is to use acupuncture, in conjunction with a supportive holistic regimen, to increase your energy and fight fatigue.
…How Acupuncture Affects Your Brain
Acupuncture is becoming utilized more frequently in conjunction with western medical practices to treat a variety of problems. Headaches, anxiety, chronic pain, tendinitis, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome are just a few of the health concerns which acupuncture treats in a holistic, non-invasive way. Acupuncture, and its effects on the body and brain is an area of interest for medical science.
…Popular Herbs and Their Uses
Herbs have been used for centuries for other purposes besides seasoning food. Today, there are so many sources to order herbal remedies for just about any health concern from cancer to dry skin. Be a discerning consumer and do not rely on solely one source, such as the internet. Herbs are not, in general, a cure-all, but an addition to a health regime to maintain or improve overall health—not necessarily cure disease by itself.