Herbs have been used for centuries for other purposes besides seasoning food. Today, there are so many sources to order herbal remedies for just about any health concern from cancer to dry skin. Be a discerning consumer and do not rely on solely one source, such as the internet. Herbs are not, in general, a cure-all, but an addition to a health regime to maintain or improve overall health—not necessarily cure disease by itself.
…What is Cupping?
In the practice of Chiropractic and Acupuncture—there is a therapy that many of us have never heard about, even though it has been around as long as the ancient practice of acupuncture. This practice is called “Cupping.” Cupping also has a couple other names including: pneumatic therapy or manual vacuum therapy. This treatment can be used in conjunction with acupuncture or manual adjustment, as well as a stand-alone treatment.