Dr. Han works with a variety of conditions, whereas, many chiropractors mainly treat only neck and back pain. Some of these conditions include: Lower Back Pain, Neck Pain, Herniated Disc, Joint Pain, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Plantar Fasciitis, Tennis Elbow, Carpal Tunnel, TMJ, Chronic Fatigue, Stress, Knee Pain, Shoulder Pain, Depression, Weight Loss, The Flu, Headache, Common Cold, Addictions, Sinus Infection, Allergy, Skin Conditions, Blood Pressure, Bronchitis, Asthma, Ulcers, Bell’s Palsy, Acid Re-flux, Diabetes, Abdominal Pain, PMS, Infertility, Menopause, and Chronic Pain.
Dr. Han also treats a range of ailments from neck and back pain. The goals of Chiropractic and Acupuncture are very similar in theory. Acupuncture’s purpose is to harmonize the flow of Qi in the body by focusing on the body’s meridian channels. Chiropractic’s purpose is to align (harmonize) the body by focusing on the vertebral column. The spinal column is very important for both ancient medicines.
Chiropractic utilizes the Merik system and Acupuncture uses the concept of back-shu points. The basic idea of Merik system and back-shu (tonification) points is that each level of the spinal column is related to the organ system. For example, the third thoracic vertebra is linked to the lung organ. Dr. Han may adjust T3 level or pin point a meridian on the back-shu point to help patients with conditions like asthma, chest pain, bronchitis or congestion. [This is just one treatment option for lung-related disorders]
Using Chiropractic and Acupuncture together creates synergistic effect to better focus on bringing the body into full harmony as a whole. Tendons, ligaments and connective tissue become damaged over time with the misalignment of vertebra through over-stretching or spraining.
Chiropractic Adjustment
Diversified Techniques, Drop Techniques
Activator Techniques, Flexion / Distraction
For pain & constitutional disorders
Auricular Electro acupuncture, Moxibustion
Other Therapy
Electrical Stimulation
Exercise and Rehabilitation
(strengthening – stretching -postural education)
Manual Therapy
Cupping, Massage
Tui na, Fascial-Release, Gua sha
Oriental Herbs
Tablets and Granules